Old 02-03-2013, 06:13 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 9

Dear Bamagal, I was bitten by the quilt virus several years ago, in 1995. Since then it's gotten only worse, with
the climbing of the years. I also eat, sleep, and dream quilts. Sometimes it's even difficult to fall asleep, because
I keep thinking of what will be my next project and what colour combinations I plan to use. Because of this dilemma
I have decided that a little discipline might help, and in any case, would not worsten my "condition". I now make just two quilts at a time: Quilt nr.1 is in it's early stages of cutting the fabrics and piecing them on my machine.
Quilt nr. 2 is now in it's finishing stages of hand-quilting, binding, then adding a quilt-sleeve and at last the label.
Working on just 2 quilts at a time, gives me more than enough inspiration to work these 2 projects...
and finish them!
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