Thread: Am I a meanie?
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Old 02-14-2013, 08:00 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Minneapolis suburbs
Posts: 6

I don't think you should feel bad at all.
I would love to be asked, because I love to do it, but you can bet your sweet patoot I would charge them accordingly.

I put time, effort, and 40 years of sewing and artisan skill into what I make, they damn well should pay for it. LOL

I think as women, we tend to be socially discouraged from valuing what it is that we do, and what we can accomplish.

If anyone ever asks you again to make them something, before that request occurs, ask yourself if you would do it for pay, and then, what do you think your time is worth?

Make no mistake, sewing in and of itself is a skill. And quilting is an art form. Consider your value.

I once was struck by the fact that in my generation, of my women friends, I am the ONLY one who knows how to sew. And I am a baby boomer. You'd think that more of our mothers, being Depression- and farm-raised, would have taught us this skill. And I can build, too. lol. And take apart and fix my sewing machine!

Best of luck to you. Be flattered, that someone asked you to make something, means they appreciate your talent. Leave it at that. YOU ARE AWESOME AND SOMEONE NOTICED!

lying in stitches on square at a time

Last edited by redhead184; 02-14-2013 at 08:02 AM.
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