Thread: Am I a meanie?
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Old 02-14-2013, 08:11 AM
Pat G
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Oh my gosh, that is the rudest thing I ever heard. I can't imagine your shock at her saying this. I'd feel like saying "I know you spent thousands of dollars on your car. Can I borrow it for a wk.?) It's the same thing to me.
I don't think you should feel obligated or like a "meanie" for saying no.

Originally Posted by quiltin-nannie View Post
I have been asked a couple times to make quilts for people. After doing a table runner for a lady I have decided I don't want to"have" to make something for someone. One lady said "you paid thousands of dollars for that machine
and you can't make me a baby quilt for my great grandaughter?" Should I feel so guilty for saying no?
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