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Old 03-04-2013, 06:01 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: FL
Posts: 101

I work as a travel nurse and my husband and I take our 28 ft. travel trailer with two slides from site to site, usually every 3-4 months. My husband is OCD with an aversion to "clutter and messes" and with limited inside surface space, it is sometimes hard to work on the "big" part of quilting projects. I usually wait until he is gone if I wish to work inside, or I will go outside and use the picnic table covered with one of those cardboard cutting boards. The outdoor electrical outlets allow me to plug in my iron, a TV or radio, and my machine, and I have no need for additional lighting due to the beautiful Florida sun. We also have an outdoor glass top table with 4 chairs (I pull 3 of these away from the table for my visitors) where I set my machine. A fluffy towel can serve as a cushion for ironing on either my glass top table or the picnic table.

I have had quite a crowd of "neighbors"! One woman from Ohio commented on me using an iron; she seems to find an iron an odd object used by past generations. An elderly man likes to visit and brings his cat in a stroller. Regardless, they all are curious and like to stop and chat and examine my latest project. What a great way to meet new friends!

As to storage, I find there is more than adequate storage under our bed for my sewing supplies, fabrics, books, etc. under our bed, and I store my mat flat between the mattress and the top of the storage area the mattress sits on. I prepared several projects before leaving home, and put materials, pattern, thread, etc. for each one in a 2.5gallon zip bag. My "tools" are contained in a tub that easily fits in this space under the bed.

If you wish to make it work, you will find a way to take with you what you actually need without excess. Measuring your spaces and thinking through your sewing arrangement will make it much easier for you. I actually became interested in making quilts on one of my 3 month (it actually became 9 months) work contracts and became fast friends with the lady who was my mentor. In the daytime we worked together, and in the evenings, we would trade her place and mine to work on our mutual projects.

Have a great time!
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