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Old 05-21-2013, 06:45 AM
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Location: Atlanta, Texas
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When I was younger and received something "special" such as expensive perfume, etc., I would put it away and not use it because if I used it up, it would be gone and I wouldn't have it any longer. One day as I was dusting all these "special, unused items," I had an epiphany. By saving them and not using them, it was like I didn't have them at all. I decided that very day that when I received something special, I would use it and enjoy it.

Quilts are special items to be used and enjoyed. If you have them tucked away in your linen closet, do you only enjoy them when you clean that closet? Wouldn't it be more rewarding to have them out where you and your loved ones could enjoy them everyday of your lives? The only quilt in my house that doesn't get used (yet) is the show quilt I made earlier this year because I intend to enter it into a few other shows. After that, you better believe it will be put on a bed to be seen and enjoyed.
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