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Old 11-17-2009, 07:43 AM
Needles in SW OR
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 29

I completed a reversible quilt as you go kingsize about l month ago.
Trust me the first couple blocks are the hardest and then you can do them in your sleep....well, you can certainly chat with a friend while doing them.

The quilt is a bit more stiff, but I used a thick batting. I like the stiffness of this one because it makes up quickly when on the bed. I hate daily bed making! so anything that makes it easier. The quilt is very warm and comfortable for sleeping.

I made mine scrappy, except for the half square triangles which I kept the same color. I also used darker colors on one side so it looks like two different quilts.

It does seem to take a long time, but remember you can use it immediately as you have the entire quilt completed at the end.

Sewing the blocks together was quick and easy, but the strips were a bit awkward as they are much bulkier than just a quilt top.

Try a smaller quilt, you will enjoy it, I think.
I used the directions from the Internet. I think the name was Sue Pederson or Peterson.
The site can be found under 'quilt as you go."

Go for it girlfriend!
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