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Old 06-17-2013, 07:19 AM
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Don't remember exactly when I did this, but if it involves yarn or thread and fabric, I've tried it at one time or another!

Depending on the size weave of the background fabric you use, you can create some really lovely pieces.

One word to the wise, don't use a loosely woven background (like the 1/4" square afghan fabric) for anything that will be washed unless you add some sort of stabilizer, like fusible interfacing. You also would want to check the colorfastness of your floss or yarn. As we all know certain colors have a tendency to run.

You could certainly use pieces you created with this method to make a lovely wall hanging or table runner. Don't think I'd want to use it for a bed quilt unless it was on the really tight weave background which of course means really small "floats" in your weaving.

Left out part of a sentence above - the size weave of the background determines whether you use floss or yarn and the number of strands.

Last edited by mom-6; 06-17-2013 at 07:25 AM.
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