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Old 07-11-2013, 12:27 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Dear Skratchie,
You did a wonderful job! Your dh will love it for sure. It's always challenging to piece quilts that are not your color choice, or even block choice. Your quilting looks just fine, from what I can see from the back. It was made out of love, and that's all that matters. Good job sweetie.

Now you can move onto other things. Is the baby a girl? Are you choosing the colors you like or will you attempt to match the nursery? I recently made a double sided baby quilt for a co-workers newborn. I had some bright left over heart blocks for the front. I asked the mom what her fav color is. It's blue. So I made simple blue stars for the back. Now I'm not sure which side should be the front!!! I think I just decided...since the newborn is a girl, the hearts will be! Thanks for letting me talk it out! Good luck with your baby quilt!

By the way, your quilt does look manly! So that's good. May you and dh cuddle under his quilt for many years to come!
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