Thread: Vogue Stitch...
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Old 07-14-2013, 02:23 AM
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Was the generic manual any help?
The push buttons at the base are for raising and lowering the feed dogs.
Then above that you have the stitch control knob.
Above that you have 3 knobs. The big one is the stitch width. You have to either turn the small knobs or slide them or both to lock the stitch width. The cool thing about that is if you want you can hold the stitch width and narrow or widen it as you sew. Kind of hard unless you are good at controlling fabric with your left hand though. Bobbin winder is upper right.

A good clean up and that machine will be very nice looking. I would not take the knobs off to clean the front of that. They have set screws and nothing to go up against. I've had them strip out, then not work. Pad under that thing and scrub with a toothbrush - careful not to get anything behind the knobs unless it says Tri-flow.

It should sew just about anything.

Last edited by miriam; 07-14-2013 at 02:28 AM.
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