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Old 08-16-2013, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by JustAbitCrazy View Post
Count me in. I have it B-A-A-D! And I don't feel guilty, so neither should you. They give us a lot of pleasure, and I figure, so many people spend so much money on cigarettes, drinking, and gambling, etc. and I do none of that. At least we have something to show for our money, right? And in the future all those books (and yards of fabric, patterns, etc.) can be resold if necessary. Feeling better now? Lol! (I'm pretty good at justifying....)
I cigarettes, drinking or gambling here either. But plenty of quilting supplies for me and carving supplies for hubby. We are both suckers for a good book, no matter how old. Just collecting for future inspiration. And if nothing else I can dream and maybe make a quilt or two!
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