Old 10-31-2013, 08:17 AM
Tuxedo Mom
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by stitchinwitch View Post
YES, amyjo, the other 2 car garage is attached, but I have a car and a truck AND a riding mower, so that is not an option. Because of the $$$, I will need to leave the big garage door, plus, on a nice day, I could open the door and smell the fresh air - I love the outdoors, and this would allow me for not feeling confined...
You can actually buy a type of screen to go in the garage so you can have the door up but also have some screen protection. I see it in a neighboring suburb - the kids have toys all over the garage and the parents can sit in there out of the sun and/or rain and still get fresh air. Check on online.

And you could run a wire or cable across the garage on the inside of the door and clip curtains, drapery panels, sheets across so in the winter you have something more pleasant to look at. The cable would have to be high enough to not interfere with people but just below the garage door track so it is not in the way there. And I think that I would use the rubber mats that snap together - cushy on the feet, and more warmth in the winter. You can always put an office chair mat by your machine so you can roll around in your chair a bit.
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