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Old 12-08-2009, 12:48 PM
Deb Ny
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Highland, Utah
Posts: 9

I'm a newbie, but I have to tell you I've used fleece for the backs of all the birthday quilts I've made for my grandchildren this year. I've pieced the flannel fronts, used warm and white batting, 505 adhesive spray, and fleece for the back. I used my walking foot to quilt the layers together stitching a basic stitch in the ditch outline of the squares and rectangles in the quilt top. I've bound some with flannel binding, and others I've wrapped the fleece around to the front and machine stitched it down. Very easy, and all ten kids love theirs!
I haven't figured out how to add pics yet, but the "Thomas" quilt top is to the left.
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