Old 12-20-2013, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by maviskw View Post
Some people make ties and leave the threads up to four inches long. I don't care for that, but if they like it, that's OK. I like my ties to be about an inch long.

The only time any ties of mine came apart was at a 4-H quilt camp where we were told to make the ties with pearl cotton. That stuff is too slippery and doesn't hold a knot. Less than a year later, I took that quilt that my granddaughter and I had made and put Fray Check on every knot, after many had been retied. The saddest part of this is: I had made another charity quilt at about the same time, tied it with the pearl cotton, and sent it to Kentucky to the missions there. I just want to go down there and fix it for them.
I use crochet thread, more specifically "Aunt Lydia's" cotton crochet thread. It comes in many colors. I have purchased it at Hobby Lobby and Joann's . I also use a surgeons knot and I've not had any come undone.
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