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Old 12-21-2013, 04:57 AM
Retired Fire Chief
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Saginaw Michigan
Posts: 2,305

Hello everyone - hope all is well and everyone is warm and comfortable. We are in the deep freeze in Mid-Michigan, but what is worse is we are covered with ice. We had about 8" of snow on the ground and then we received a misty rain that covered everything with a thick coating of ice. Getting to and from the barn is a real experience and when the dogs go with me they don't even take off running like normal. This is the second consecutive day I am leaving the horses in the barn, their snow-packed paddock is iced over and I'm so afraid of them breaking legs. So part of yesterday I made 2 microwave bowl holders to give to a sweet lady who is a cashier at my local grocery. Her only family is her mom that lives with her, mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I picked up a couple of nice deep Carelle bowls at Walmart thinking they would be more spill proof for an elderly lady. I think everyone should have something from Santa under their tree.

Today, after routine vacuuming up the dog hair, I think I will straighten up all the fabrics I have been using and organize my fabric cupboard!
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