Thread: New Year
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Old 01-01-2014, 01:24 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Hamburg,Western New York State
Posts: 4,856

I have been retired for 14 years. The first year I took off from everything. Then, I decied where I would like to spend my time. I wound up volunteering at the local food pantry one day each week. Wednesdays, I recently joined a wonderful quilting group, that is always doing for the less fortunate. Last year they made and donated over 40 quilts of valor. The year before 75 pillowcase dresses went for Africa. I do belong to another smaller group but they are not community minded..more like a social group. I look forward to every Wed. and cannot wait to see what's in store for this year. I fully agree with the othr comments here, regarding naps, setting your own time for things and generally doing things you never had time for in your working years. Do not fear retirement,enjoy it.
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