Thread: Bernina
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Old 01-28-2014, 10:26 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: central California
Posts: 636

I have the 750 and I love it!!!! I went through some awful times to get to this point though. I originally bought a machine at the nearest Bernina shop, they also had the best price. I had to wait 3 1/2 months to get it and when it came in the stitch was awful. The shop sent it back without even trying to fix it. 2 weeks later the next one came in, the stitch was the same, crooked straight stitch, terrible tension for the deco stitches. The shop at that point said I was too picky!! I took the machine home to really try it out and even made stitch samples at different tension setting etc.... I made an appt. for the tech to look at it because I was not happy. Instead of having the tech look at the machine, the sales lady decided she could adjust it for me!!! NOT!! I could see that I wasn't getting anywhere with that shop (no one there sewed, they only cared about embroidery). My credit card co. assured me that I had a good case for a refund and I ended up returning the machine for a refund. At that point I started over and looked again at other brands but I really still wanted the 750, and felt sure that it had the potential to be a great machine. I had to go 3 hours away to find a shop that admitted that there was a problem with the machines and told me that there was a "fix" coming from Bernina. I waited another month and a half for that shop to get the new parts. I said all that to stress how important it is to buy from a shop that will support you, and sometimes it can be hard to know that. They are all sweet as pie to try to get your business. Do everything possible to find out about the dealer before you buy. I will end the way I started, I LOVE my 750, it is the quietest, smoothest, sturdiest, most beautiful machine I have ever sewn on! It is huge, you will have to consider the table you will use with it. All the machines now have the new parts so you shouldn't have the issue I did.
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