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Old 12-14-2009, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by mommaB
I guess my response to getting what you pay for goes something like this, when you hire employees say..."these are the requirements of and for the job..this is what you get paid..if its not enough, look for a job elsewhere." There are people who will work their butts off because they committed to an employer and take pride in what they do, have respect for themselves, and go the extra mile because its the right thing to do. I'm quite sure every penny of my wages are earned. Maybe that's a little old fashioned, but its how I trained my kids too. I'm so tired of "I don't get paid to do that" well, you don't get paid to complain about your job either. Don't like it? Find a new one!
And now with the job market what it is, you can bet there are lots of people who are willing to put everything they can into being a star employee, even if the job they are doing is several steps "below" what they used to do! Besides, in my experience, the attitude of the staff is a direct reflection of the attitude of the owner/manager/director.
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