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Old 04-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Twisted Quilter
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 3,422

I usually have a couple of garage sales a year, so I pretty much have this down to a science.

Start pricing items 2-3 weeks prior to the sale.

Buy matching tablecloths at the Dollar Store to make items more appealing. Yard sign & balloons are a must have.

Restroom routine...NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Politely direct them to the nearest gas station or McDonald's.

Try to have someone working with you, one to answer questions and collect money, the other to watch for shoplifters.

Mark down items about 2 hours before closing, unless you don't mind keeping them. If you don't want your leftovers, post an ad on Craigslist 'Garage Sale Leftovers', must take all. Box everything up and wait for a response.

Pack a lunch the night before and try to enjoy the experience.
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