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Old 12-19-2009, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by judithb
Originally Posted by Ninnie
When I make quilts for my grandsons, i tell them to use them until they are worn out. i love that they are making memories with their quilts. It is hard to let go, but I try to remember once a gift is given, it is no longer mine to control or worry about. Very hard to do though LOL
I have a hard time with this thought, even though I know it is true. It is a big effort for me, especially since I have the bed size quilts quilted and it is expensive!
Here is a note that I haven't seen here. My precious grand daughter won't let her baby girl play with or use the quilt because it has "cat" on it. She is referring to cat hair. I brushed and washed several times before I gave it to here. So do i ask for it back and give it to quilts for kids or keep my mouth shut and not make any more quilts for her?? BTW. She came from a house with 3 large dogs...Go figure. One of the other grand daughters has 2 quilts already.

I would just let it go, even though I know that is a hard thing to do. It was given to the baby girl with lots of love, and that is the part that matters. You are not responsible for others actions, only your own. If this is a first child , she might loosen up some as time goes by. Your heart and your love were in the right place.
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