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Old 06-03-2014, 09:49 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Default update on jenny

Originally Posted by Annie Pearl View Post
In my recent post I asked what I thought was a simple question about Jenny. As I read the responses it is obvious that a lot of folks thought I was being critical........I wasn't. I have watched many of Jenny's tutorials and have learned a lot from her. I have marveled at the way she can make things that can be difficult so simple. In questioning Jenny's accuracy I should have wrote " how can she do such beautiful work so quickly". I work at a slow speed and my accuracy is usually a flop. I am fairly new to quilting and new to this board. I am amazed by all of you that are so confident in your work. I still struggle a lot. So, if you would please accept my apology. If I upset anyone believe me that wasn't my intent.
Lee Ann
Several years ago I attended a guild meeting in Pacific Grove, Ca where the guest speaker was Kitty(last name forgotten). Learned a lot, such as she is a famous quilter/designer in San Francisco, and no she does not go out and buy fabric, sew the quilt tops, she has people who do that. She also sends the quilt tops to be quilted to various quilters around the USA. Or her people do that. Just like Jenny, Elenor Burns, etc.

I liken my quilt sewing to what a friend in the hairdressing industry once told me, It is not in the set, it's the comb out. So if the those seams are a little crooked, a little pressing, and a good quilting design, no one will know.
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