Thread: Adult Bibs
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Old 06-04-2014, 08:51 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by bearland53
Dimensions are - finished size - 26" long. 18" wide - basically a rectangle - trimmed the edges to make them curvy - sewn inside out leaving 4" opening to turn right side out - little slits on the curved edges to make them lie flat - used sewing Velcro - about 1-1/2" worth (do not use sticky Velcro - you break lots of needles) Lots of tutorials on line - used an 6" bowl for the neck. After turning right side out iron to flatten and run a stitch around the whole bib - really fast & easy.

Probably a nice donation to a senior home
Thank you so much for replying. Need to get to work and make a few bibs.
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