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Old 08-14-2014, 08:16 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Posts: 8,108

Looks like my stash before I started organizing! I, too, bought comic book boards, but decided that I could get more use out of my space if I did something else.

Now I cut the selvage of of 1 edge of the fabric, fold a 1-5/8" by 2.5" inch blank address label, folded in half, around the middle of the strip of selvage, measure the fabric and write the length of the fabric on one side of the label, fold the fabric up and tie the labeled selvage around the fabric. (Depending on the length of the fabric, the selvage may be long enough for more than one tie. )

I've started doing that as the fabric comes into the house, sort of. Sometimes I forget. Haven't finished the original hoard yet, either, but everything looks neater and what is done makes it much easier to see and find fabrics. Having the length on the tie also lets me know before I unfold whether I have enough of a particular fabric for a project.

In the process of all this work, I have also kind of 'kitted' some of the fabrics together for future use. Or donations for Charity quilts at the local guilds.

Note that my technique for organizing is to grab a bunch of fabric off a shelf, out of a tub, whatever, take it in to the living room, sit down, watch tv and measure, fold, tie. it works well for me because I need to be doing something while watching tv. My measuring is an approximate number. I hold one end of the fabric in my left hand, stretch my arm out as far as it will go, pull the fabric toward my right collarbone with the right hand and that is about 1 yard. If it's more than one yard, I bring my left hand to where the right hand is, and pull the fabric out another yard until I get to the end of the fabric. Less than a yard, I assign 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 based on experienced guess work.

Last edited by cathyvv; 08-14-2014 at 08:27 PM.
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