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Old 11-08-2014, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Girlfriend View Post
I am sorry this has happened to you. It's a very upsetting and frustrating situation, for sure. I hope you get it resolved soon.

Please post what happens.
thanks, I feel bad for my mother, bc she wanted to surprise db with
it bc he bought her a new computer.
Then she decided to give it to him for his 60th birthday and couldn't
say anything to spoil the surprise.
Well, the surprise has been spoiled and she still hasn't been able
to let him know just how much his thoughtfulness has been
I don't live nearby or I would go in that store myself.
I'd get that quilt and take out the stitches, but I would also
let it be known that nice or not, this was their mistake and
not good business practices. It hurts people
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