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Old 11-09-2014, 04:01 AM
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Posts: 519

Eeeeee! Let me guess: the granddaughter is a Southerner. “Stash needs organized.” Hey, at least she’s got good intentions. BUT it doesn’t sound like she’s being very sensitive to her grandmother’s feelings. I’d say, unless the grandmother asks, or unless the entire lot is a roach-infested health hazard, leave it for such a time as she’s ASKED to organize. I bet that little grandmother knows where a lot of things are in the mix, and would be entirely upset at having someone else’s thinking shuffle any system she does have. And the granddaughter says she’s moving out of state soon? That would be awful! Then the grandmother won’t even have the recourse of asking where such-and-so is! Poor lady.

Let it go. Organize your own things before your move, and wait for your inheritance till such a time as it’s offered! That is, if you don’t want to discourage the poor owner and stifle any other plans for sewing projects she might have. Is she still sewing? Can she navigate in the heaps to work, or would she like a partial re-org at her own direction?

Life is short. Let her be the boss of her own stuff. HELP is often welcome, TYRANNY is not. I speak from experience with my own father. If the bedlam doesn’t already bother the grandmother, then most likely any superimposed organization will be lost the minute the granddaughter walks out the door...The same habits that brought the current state of things won’t magically reform themselves.

And that’s my sermon for the night!!!! (as I laugh and shake my head still!)
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