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Old 12-24-2014, 11:35 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I made a queen size (still a flimsy - I plan to FMQ) top using the kite shape. I wasn't happy with the stretching, so after the first couple of rows, I started using up my very thin fabric (too thin to piece quilts out of) as foundations. This top is so so heavy!!! It will be a monster once batted, quilted & backed.

I cut my strips in random widths. I cut them with a rotary ruler - but did not even attempt to make both edges exactly parallel. I'm with thimblebug6000, you need to make some of your widths much wider than you think, especially on the last corner. Some of my corners are barely in the quilt, but I had to put them in, just so there would be a seam allowance. My suggestion is to measure the width you want (edge of kite to corner of block) then divide by the # of strips you need. Add & subtract the same width from your to get your various finished widths, then add seam allowances.

Say it's 5 inches, kite to corner. First of all, add 1/4 inch, cuz your corner needs a smidge more seam allowance. Four (finished strips) would be .75, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, and cutting widths would be 1.25, 1.75, 2, 2.25.

Regarding finished design: I was using up random blacks & random blues. I put half the blues on the right of the kite, and half on the left. This made blue diamonds going one direction and black the other.

As I continually laid the quilt on the floor, I discovered there is also a four petal flower motif possible. If my graphing is correct, to get the flower motif (say pink & orange flowers):

One quarter of your kite blocks would be pink-pink, one quarter orange-orange, one quarter orange on the left, and one quarter orange on the right.

As I contemplated my borders, I didn't want my kite color as borders, nor did I want to use the blue or the black, as all three touched the edges. It's a scrappy top, so thought bringing in another color element would be too junky-looking. Then, I realized, if I took the kite color to the edge of the quilt, then the diamonds end up floating on the quilt. So, I used my kite color as a foundation, and just put the strips on one side or other to finish off the diamonds as needed. It turned out well.
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