Thread: Marking problem
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Old 12-29-2014, 06:36 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
Posts: 4,299

I'm a huge fan of old-school tailor's chalk. The solid kind that comes in a square and you use a plastic holder for it, or in a sort of triangle. I have it in red, white & blue and between those colors I've been able to mark pretty much everything. Never had trouble with it not washing out afterwards.

Like this stuff:
Or this:

It sticks to the fabric much better than the Chaco liners do. I like those too, but the old-school chalk wins as far as durability - the Chaco liner chalk just lies on the fabric and can brush off too easily for your use, I think. The tailor's chalk sticks much better.
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