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Old 12-29-2014, 07:25 AM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by romanojg View Post
Do you have any quilt shops or places like Sew nVacs around that offer classes. I used to only do block quilts but when I wanted to get into more detailed blocks I started taking classes and it helped so much. once you have a better understanding of the quilting process you'll be better equipped to utilize EQ7. Which is a great program. Check you local quilt shops, etc and find out if there are any places that teach
We live in the BOONEYs of the mountains of WV. The nearest quilt shop giving lessons is an hour away. I am looking into their offerings for lessons, but it would be a serious commitment of gas and time, so I'm going the self-taught route for now. It's called Patchwork Plus, Inc.
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