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Old 03-20-2007, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by GramMER

One more question for you or anyone else who has an interest in this:

The background cloth of the embroidered blocks is white. Should I make the border around them white or should I plan to put a 3 1/2" block in each corner of the border. I have seen that done and had no idea it might have been to adjust the fit. Would a little corner block distort the Irish Chain effect?

if you put a 3.5" in block in the corners, won't that expand your finished block to 11" instead of 9? I'd either skip the corner squares or make them 1.5" (1" finished).

the white border would be more "irish chainy", but a border that uses a color from either the embroider or the companion 9 patches would make the embroidery stand out more. i'd make the color border/frame.
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