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Old 01-12-2010, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Adirondack Mountains, NY
Posts: 9

HI Pam,
It is justified. A few books that I highly rrecommend reading before you even set it up just so you get and idea of how things work are Linda Taylor's Ultimate Guide to longarm quilting (if you don't buy it, get it from the library that's what I did) and Sue Nickels Machine quilting techniques. There is a great group on Yahoo dedicated to people with machine quilting frames and machines Yahoo home quilting systems. There is a forum just like here that you can ask questions and also files where they have sooo much stored information from machines, to threads, batting, on and on as well as some great books, dvd and other helpful learning products that are great for beginning longarmers/ frame quilters. I learned about that group here. Some other things you will need to keep in mind is that you will need leaders to attach fabric to frame (they may or may not be included with the setup). The setup does have a frame included right? I cant't remember if the TL 18 has a stitch regulator or not. If it is something you want make sure it is included as they can be pricey. they do require special needles and bobbins so make sure you get those as the wrong needles can cause big problems. Is setup included, if not, don't worry, setting it up yourself gives you an educatio about the machine and frame that you wwould not get having someone set it up for you. And practice, practice, practice. Good luckm have fun!!
Kim in Adirondacks of NY Husqvarna MQ w/ Inspira Frame and QCC
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