Old 05-21-2015, 06:52 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
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My sewing group made bibs out of terry cloth hand towels. We got them on sale at Sears. The care home asked us not to use velcro because if it isn't fastened it snags everything in the laundry. They said they don't have time to forget to fasten the velcro when they take the bibs off. They asked if we could put ties but instead of making them so they tie they asked if we could sew some snaps on them and space them apart to make them adjustable. They said if a patient pulls at it it will unsnap and if it's tied the patients may try to pull it off over their head, get frustrated or freak out because they can't get it off. The facility is home to many dementia patients and they smile and appear to look happy when we deliver the colorful bibs and spend time visiting with them.
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