Thread: Guilds
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Old 05-27-2015, 03:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 135

I joined a guild to learn more about quilting. I am a raw newbie. I wanted to learn tips, techniques, history. I want to do something that gave back to the community. I wanted to be with like minded people and have fun and make new friends.

The reason I asked this question is to see what people look for in a guild. As far as what would make you leave a guild, I am leaving the guild I have been a member of for 1 year. Not much has been done as far as charities go and this year has been nothing but middle school teenage girl drama. People bad mouthing other people. Going behind people's back to benefit themselves and so on. I'm the youngest member and I'll be 47 this year. I can not believe the immaturity of this group of "girls".

So as of right now I am jaded. I may take a couple months to find and visit other guilds to see what they are like. I realize anytime you put several females together in a room issues will arise but when it comes to the point of harassment, I'm done! I was hoping the drama would subside but it's just escalating.
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