Thread: Guilds
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Old 05-28-2015, 05:57 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 368

I joined a guild 20 years ago because I wanted to learn to quilt. At that time the classes were great, but leadership was snooty and very unwelcoming. I stayed in and finally made a few friends. Several years ago I started realizing how much I did not enjoy the group. I'm one of the last original members and the new leadership group is not very good. Always complain about no help, but when you do it's their way or else. Very cliquey and boring meetings and so on. They never listen to what the membership wants, then are offended when attendance is poor or when people try to offer suggestions. I tried getting more involved and was even an officer, but was so frustrated that I rarely attend now. Can't believe this, but next year I've decided not to renew my membership. I doubt I will even miss it. I feel like I tried my best to make a difference so now I can walk away without feeling guilty or sad.

I also recently joined a small charity quilt group which meets weekly in a local church. There are about 10 regular attendees with no dues, business meetings and so on. I love it. Eveyone is friendly and encouraging. If you miss a week you usually get a call or email that you were missed. There is none of the one upmanship or bragging the other guild was known for. Bottom line this group is what I think a quilt guild is supposed to be. I'm once again excited for the meeting and have made lifelong friends who share my love of quilting.
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