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Old 07-15-2015, 08:04 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Southeast Idaho
Posts: 3,210

Wow! Hard to believe I am just now catching up from way back at the June 20th post date. Was great to see all the wonderful UFO finishes...and some of you have been very prolific! I have not even had time to think about quilting since then and probably won't until August. By then, I will be having withdrawal so hope to accomplish something. My first attempt will be to try and fmq a small string quilt I have had done for about a year. Wish me luck. But in the time I have had to look at all my ufo's, it has made me realize I really need to finish some of them. The hard part is my guild is doing a row quilt and I haven't even picked out my fabrics yet so need to do that too so I can at least get one made of the blocks so far. Each member has to supply a block design and since there are only 9 of us, it won't be too large of a quilt but fun. Thankfully, I do not have to have mine ready to share until Oct. Emma, please be sure and share your finished quilt with the striped binding. I love stripped bindings. They really set off a quilt. Everyone, keep sharing pictures. Love them all!
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