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Old 01-29-2016, 09:12 PM
poconel's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Posts: 13

In answer to the question "what do you do with the fabrics you no longer want?", I have more or less adopted a woman who has coordinated a group of sewers that are making "pillowcase" dresses for little girls that are then sent to third world countries. They also make shorts for little boys. They can take the ugliest fabric and make it into an adorable dress by adding a contrast pocket, or some fun trim or buttons, etc. That's where my "what was I thinking" fabric goes and many of my friends give me fabric to bring to her as well. It makes it much easier for me to let it go when I know it's going to be used for a good purpose.

Last edited by poconel; 01-29-2016 at 09:15 PM.
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