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Old 02-08-2016, 07:18 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
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What a brilliant idea!
While looking at this I was thinking that if you cut the outside (cover) 3 times the width of the other pieces, then you could fold over the front piece by 1/3 and run a stitch line down the folded edge to hold it in place. Then lay the rest of the squares you cut on the back 1/3 with the flannel facing up, fold the front over them and using a heavier thread, stitch down the folded edge to hold all the pieces in place. This would give you a book with all the vinyl on the outside & when you opened the cover, the vinyl will be on top and the first page would have the flannel facing up to put your blocks on. This way there is no flannel on the outside to pick up dust or stray threads and you can keep it cleaner.

I would make one to show you but I hurt my legs and haven't been able to sew for a year now but as soon as I'm able, this will defiantly be one of the first things I will make.

Last edited by seasaw2mch; 02-08-2016 at 07:21 AM.
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