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Old 04-08-2016, 11:55 AM
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Default Necchi QS60 and Elna 720

Does anyone have a Necchi QS60 sewing machine? I think this might be like a Janome 6300, but not sure. I am curious how this machine has worked for you.

I would like to upgrade from my Janome QC 4800. Of top importance is a minimum of 9 inch harp space (FMQing). I primarily use my machines to piece and FMQ. I also like to make bags/purses, so I would like to be able to easily handle multiple layers of fabric, interfacing and batting that go into a purse. My ideal budget would keep me under $1,500, and I don’t see myself going above $2,000.

I did consider a Juki TL2010Q, and while adequate, it just wasn’t love, and for 1k, I would like a bit more love!! Plus this will be the machine I will be using for many years going forward.

I also tried the Necchi QS60. I have to say I was impressed. FMQing felt effortless on it (I feel like I fight my current machine, and I didn’t feel it was quite as effortless on the Juki). The machine actually feels like it is a tank! Beautiful stitches. It does have the 9 inch harp space, but more of a minimalist machine, which is okay – I really don’t need hundreds of stiches (I rarely use the extra stiches on my 4800). But I know nothing about Necchi’s, and it is hard to find info. The saleslady said this machine and the Elna 720 sitting next to it were built on the same base, and we almost the same machine (more stitches on the Elna, and a couple of other upgraded features). It seems that Janome produces the Necchi's here now.

I have also tried the Elna Excellence 720. Loved this machine! So quiet, smooth, beautiful stitches, FMQing was also near effortless. Up at the top of my budget. It is also hard to find as much info on this one (though I gather it is a Janome twin as well). My heart right now pulls me toward this one.

I remember trying a Janome 6500 and 6600 about 3 or 4 years ago, it seems not too long after the 6600 or 7700 came out. I don’t remember being particularly impressed with the feel of the machine. And the FMQing on it at that time didn’t feel much off what I could do on my 4800. Of course they cost more as well at that time. What I’m trying to figure out is that if Janome makes Elna’s, and they have twin machines – how can they feel so different? I plan on test driving some Janome’s this weekend to see if I still feel that way.

Any thoughts/experiences with either of these machines? Other machines I have tested are a Brother Innovis, and I didn’t like that machine, as well as a Pfaff Expression 4.2. The Pfaff is over the top of my budget, and I worry that in so many reviews it sounds like it can be quite the finicky machine with threads, tension, etc. I liked how the Elna felt more than the Pfaff as well.

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