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Old 07-26-2016, 10:32 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chula Vista CA
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For years I stayed away from the embroidery machines, just couldn't justify the cost. But then one day when I was having my FW serviced, the owner of the shop showed me a floor model Viking and it came with the full warranty for about 2/3 of what a new in the box would cost. It is a sewing/embroidery machine. It came with one on one classes and a starter thread package and stabilizer. When I told my quilting buddy about it she was as excited as I was and we played around on it for days. Then we started buying designs from Embroidery Library and have been having a fantastic time for three years now. I spend way too much - and there have been some real blunders, but my husband said it was one of my best purchases since it has given me so much pleasure.

My friend ended up buying the Brother PE770 because we wanted to buy the Disney designs.
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