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Old 08-05-2016, 02:54 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I have a Kenmore 12 stitch and I love it. It is a great machine. You'll be glad you didn't pass it up. It is one of the few machines from the 80s worth having. I love having all the utility stitches. It is light weight.the bobbin area is easy to clean. Some of the time the stitch knob will get all gummy up under the hood and may take a bit of clean up where it moves. It is mechanically simple and easy to service. Congrats on your find.

One day my sister was over and a couple of my grand kids. We had a whole bunch of sewing machines to determine if they were going to be keepers or for parts. My sister and my DGD were working on a complex Brother and my grand son and I were working on a Kenmore. He started pitching a fit that they were working on a boy machine and he wasn't. I convinced him that the Kenmore was a boy machine... So how DO you tell the gender of a sewing machine anyway? I don't see boy parts or girl parts..... I guess if you have other Kenmore machines you have to tell them apart..
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