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Old 11-20-2016, 05:51 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Gaylord, MN
Posts: 3,951
Red face My white featherweight is again working

About a month ago I posted that my featherweight stopped working. I just want to let any interested that it is home and humming perfect again. When I was putting it in it's case to take it to my sewing machine guy, a little piece fell out of it. It was about an inch long piece along with a tiny screw. Luckily I saw both little pieces and took them along with my machine. My service machine guy knew right away where it belonged - in the area behind the tension dial (inside the machine). Once it was put where it came from, all was well. I am so thankful this repairman knows featherweights so well. He is getting older but his son is training to take his place. I asked him why this happened as featherweights are supposed to be made so well. He said nothing is perfect and things do happen. So all is well again.
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