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Old 11-26-2016, 06:45 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Dakotas
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Partial finished basement, I took an unfinished bedroom for sewing. The walls are actually finished but has cement floor (sweeps nicely) and unfinished ceiling with ceiling light and fan. Who looks up anyway haha. I have largeEast window, lots of natural light and I can see our driveway and street.

There are shelves top to bottom in the closet, my parents had a tall narrow chest for important papers (much like a lingerie chest) so I have it, my Bachelor Uncles chrome kitchen table on bed risers that holds my Joanne's 32x58 cutting mat perfectly. Also have totes stored under the table - been working on emptying them.

My ironing board has removable wide top that hubby made for me. There is tall shelf built into wall 16" x 7' and my thread among other stuff like machine feet, is in plastic shoe boxes sorted by color. My neighbor sold Avon and gave me boxes with removable lids so fabric is sorted by color on a metal shelf. Would like to replace with small plastic totes someday but boxes were free and totes cost $$ haha.

Good light from 2 shop lines that he hung. My Great Grandmas round sewing basket is on the wall also picture of farm place where I grew up, Dresden plate quilt hung out of direct light made by Grandma - all for memories.

Lots of stuff in here, but I actually know where to find it !
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