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Old 05-24-2017, 06:59 AM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: North Florida
Posts: 38

If I am right (great beginning, huh?), I am older than most of you and so have been enjoying (?) what is being discussed here longer. Got a suggestion that might make things at least focus. Maybe even make things more understandable. Pray for 'better'?

Suggestion: Make a list or lists of what is stressing you, what you are thinking about/feeling, medical issues for you and all family members, projects you want to start/finish, future family plans, every last thing that needs your direct intervention, and/or everythig that .... You get the idea. Write it all down; break it into the year it started or any other increments that work for you. Whatever.

Suggestion Part 2: Do something nice/good for you when the lists are done. (I bought my first bowl of pre-cut fruits this week. I just did not want to be bothered with prepping the fruit, etc. One step for Alvie! Probably not a permanent one but it felt good and the pork chops improved no end. Yes, a rather strange thing to do and count as "for me" but it really felt good.)

Suggestion Part 3: When you are feeling more relaxed and friendly, take a good, long look at the list(s). A really "no holds barred" look. When I did, I quit wondering why I was so scattered and couldn't remember things and, and was ecercising my seam ripper so much .... At that point, I crossed worrying about mental insufficiency stuff applying to me from my list.

By this time all of you will have decided if my suggestion is worthwhile. Or whether or not you will personalize it for yourselves and try it.

Absolutely cut yourself some slack. Try getting more sleep. Try learning to meditate. Do things that make living in your skin easier, more pleasant for you, less stressed/stressful. I, personally, demand hugs quite often and I am no respecter of persons who are asked to come forth with the hugs. (My attitude is 'Hugs Now! Keep what you want and/or MUST keep and let the rest go to the lucky winner - not necessarily you. DH recently won the ability to use my GPS.)

May we all benefit from loving and understanding ourselves just a tad more. And let's all join in celebrating how much less ripping we do.

Bless all of you.

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