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Old 07-03-2017, 12:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Armylady2012 View Post
Jaba Thank you is the EQ computer program something that a lot of you ladies use and if it is how do I get it so maybe it would make it easier for me to make quilts.
you can see the lessons I wrote on how to use the EQ software. It will give you an idea of how it works.
All 23 EQ PDF Lessons by Rhonda

EQ means Electric Quilt software. THere are several diff programs. I use my EQ5 the most but I also have EQ6 and EQ7.

I like it because you can put in your own fabrics and you can turn blocks and change colors with a click. I've had mine since 2006 and I have designed all of my quilt blocks and quilts on it. I wrote 4 ebooks and did all of the pictures for my books in my EQ5. I like it to jot down an idea I saw so I won't forget it. or something I want to try that I thought of I put it in the eq.
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