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Old 10-06-2017, 09:17 AM
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tallchick - that is really neat! I love quilts with the medallion look to them.

Here is what I've got on my plate to start

the mess in my stash room

This is based on the idea for the Cottage Romance quilt that was discussed recently. I used a pile of fat quarters and cut them all up the same and then rearranged the pieces and sewed them back together. Got lucky in that MSQC put a pack of 10" pieces of the same fabric on sale, so now I'll be able to put a border on them that matches. Going to end up with a queen quilt and a small baby quilt. I really love this fabric!

And for some mindless sewing - putting together the strips for the Snake River Log cabin quilt. I used scraps for the darks, a constant for the red and 6 different neutrals for the lights. This will end up king size.

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