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Old 10-07-2017, 06:59 AM
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I know the feeling. I've been cleaning sporadically, in between quilt projects, for months. Finally found half of my cutting table this week, but the floor is still MIA. I hope those tops you don't like can get the heave-ho towards a charity. I'm sure someone will love them! But I do agree with not spending your precious time on something you don't like. Take a breathe, reward yourself with some sewing time in between cleaning bursts, and I'm sure you'll get through it all.

Originally Posted by SusieQOH View Post
I am so frustrated! Started cleaning my sewing room.I have waaay too much stuff. Got so infuriated I worked awhile and then walked away from it. I did manage to get my table in to set up my Juki.
I found tops I made that I don't even like so they are getting the heave-ho. Too many things I want to make to worry about them.
But wading through all the stuff has been an eye opener. I need to set some priorities! (and close my wallet)
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