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Old 10-07-2017, 10:11 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Wow, look at all the beautiful projects everyone is working on!

Macybaby- love,love, your tops, and your stash is amazing!

NZ quilter- Trip is on my bucket list and I can’t wait to see yours, I love the colors you chose as they are similar to the ones I want to use for mine, so please share when you’re done.

Midwife- I love how soothing and pretty your quilt is, is there a pattern for it? Love your quilting too!

Sewbiz Girl -I love your sampler and colorway.

Zozee- Your log cabin is going to be so pretty when your done, it’s one of my favorite quilts to make and I can’t to see when your done!

Battle Axe - love the colors you chose are they a recent line or older? The pattern for my quilt is called Asteria by Tiffany Hayes. It’s actually a Craftsy class called 4 Fabrics one amazing quilt, you can buy the pattern on her website too. IMHO you don’t need her specialized ruler to do the quilt, I only used mine a few times, and I will make it again.

Kelly Y- I love the colors you chose, what size will it be when your done? I really think the textures in the yellow really make it stand out,can’t wait I see it when your done!
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