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Old 10-07-2017, 11:23 AM
Battle Axe
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Thanks for the kind compliments. This brown sampler is from "Better by the Dozen" by Susan Teegarden Dissmore. It only has 12 blocks and I wanted to put it in a setting like the Rest and Refreshing BOW was by Debbie Thompson McInnis. So I thought I was real smart and took one block and tried to cross the busy highway with it. I will have to go back to Better by the Dozen and just make 5 more blocks using different fabric.

These colors are not a line, although I ususally just use one line. These are just things I liked at the LQS. (Stores) I support them all.

That is so cool that your mom kept those patterns. Lucky DH getting that whole apple crisp, now I want one.

My neighbor and I inventoried the dahlias (I had 75 in the plot that I grow for show.) Then she invited me to eat Chineses in payback for fixing her sewing machine. All of that activity required a nap.
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