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Old 12-03-2017, 06:16 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by givio View Post
Thank you for taking the time to write what you have written. I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say 'traveling between blades.' ?? Looks like you re-purposed a sheet for the back? I love it when people do that. How did you know which size gloves to choose? Does the package have some type of hand measurement to go by? ...When it's all done, and washed, and crinkly, it will be so wonderful. This is totally impressive-- the size of your harp and the size of the quilt-- amazing! Well done!
You have to connect the blades of the fan (I did 5) to make this a continuous line pattern, otherwise you'd have to start and stop every time you stitched a curve which would be impossibly tedious and not worth the effort at all. The connection between blades is what I'm talking about, where you follow one of the previous lines of stitching so you trace that connection over another line as you travel to the next blade.

This illustrates what I'm talking about:

I did not like the look of this, as the connection did not line up with a previous line of stitching (though I recognize some people prefer this look):

Yes, I used a sheet.

Yes, Machingers has the size measurements listed on the package. Here's the Quilter's Touch website with the info:

Originally Posted by Paperpgma View Post
Wow! You gave so much great info I had to read your post twice and will probably go back and read it again. You definitely know how to eat an elephant .. one bite at a time. Great way to break down what looks to be a huge project into very doable steps. You did a great job quilting this and explaining your process! I have questions though .. I’ve always been petrified of using the washable Crayola markers. What’s your method for successful removal after quilting and is there any color you avoid or any colors you know will always be successful? Again, congratulations on your beautiful quilt and quilting!
NatalieF did a great test on this awhile back. I've used all my colors so far, and since I wash finished quilts several times on warm (gentle cycle) with soap, before gifting, I haven't had an issue with any marker residue. I also glue baste, so soaking and washing is a must for me. Here's NatalieF's post:
Crayola Ultra Washable markers test + results!
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