Old 12-07-2017, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by GramE View Post
Lisa, that word DECISIONS is the problem I have with scrappy. I’m ADHD enough that I have trouble making decisions that don’t matter. Now if the house was on fire I could easily decide to get out. But deciding if this blue goes with this white or ecru drives me insane.
That's so interesting. I have no trouble making decisions such as what blue goes with what ecru, but I would have trouble deciding what aqua to use if I were only using one, LOL!

retiredteacher09, I love your units!

Podunk Princess, that's a beautiful flying goose! What other colors are you using?

SoBuzy, so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she has a smooth recovery, and that you're able to join in before long.

I'm frustrated and disappointed today. I've been using the folded corners ruler, finding it slow and tedious, but thinking it was all worth it because I was getting perfect geese. Not! Why is it that my practice piece is always perfect, but nothing that comes after?

These geese aren't quite as bad as my Easy Angle/Companion results; for the most part, the bottoms are nice and square, and the center top is where it should be, but those darned side pieces are wonky. I should be able to use them all, but it's very annoying. I guess I should have chosen the trim down option. I think the next time flying geese come my way, I'll try the four-at-a-time method.
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