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Old 12-15-2017, 01:28 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Western Wisconsin
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I hit mine many years ago! Hubby was brought up by the kind of mother who served three hearty meals daily and who prepared lunch desserts of fruits made into smiley faces for her children. I was brought up by the kind of mother who thought nothing of serving canned beans and hot dogs for dinners two nights in a row. (Once she did it three nights in a row and I complained!) My style of cooking involves making a hearty soup or one-dish casserole for dinner. Hubs got tired of that type of cooking and wanted more exotic meals. Thirty years later he is the best Indian cook I know! He makes almost all of our meals (not just Indian food) now; I have to fight to make dinner once in awhile.

My older sister did all of the cooking for her family. I don't think her husband ever learned how to boil an egg. She got very tired of the cooking too.

At this point, I think your idea to eat out more often is very practical. The problem we found with eating out is that there are only a very few restaurants that offer the quality of food we want to eat at a price point we find of value.

Last edited by Prism99; 12-15-2017 at 01:30 PM.
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