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Old 02-11-2018, 08:22 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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I'm sorry to be a train jumper or party pooper, but after sewing about 3/4 of the 4-patches I need, I'm just not liking most of my 2.5" scraps. Too dull. I find myself reaching for the brights, the happy prints, but coming up with too many browns, muddy fall colors, or calicos that do nothing for me.

I can't justify spending more time on this project. I think if I liked all my candies, it'd be a joy to continue (minus the QST making, LOL). So, lesson learned for me: don't save scraps that I don't like just because. I don't care HOW small I cut 'em, they're still blah.

I'm curious about the next mystery, though. I have charm squares already cut in my stash--bright, happy prints.

But before I disembark, I wanted to let you all know I've enjoyed the club car treats immensely, and am leaving a dozen assorted donuts and some Guatemalan coffee brewed right here in Baltimore.
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